From: Deborah Steinthal []
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 11:48 AM
To: Ross Allen
Cc: Barbara Steele; Sara Bayer; Cal Schmidt; Steve; Mr. Christian Miller; Holly Macfee
Subject: RVV Strategic planning project – next steps
Thanks Ross, for spending time on the phone this morning. Here are the required key decisions, options and suggested dates – for the next steps beyond the market research phase:
- Need to finalize strategic planning, working session attendee list : 10-15 people should be the total number (plus Holly MacFee)
(6) RVV BOD Officers: Ross + Ashley + Barbara + Cal + Sara + Steve.
(5) WIne trail Presidents (covering the regions)
- Any larger winery or strategic winery CEO/Owner that should be part of this?
- Should travel partners be involved in the whole process or part? (see suggestion below)
- So. OR, Medford, Ashland, Grant Pass
- Need to finalize dates for working sessions and January 2019 presentation to the RVV community: here are the steps and options.
Working session One (mid November): possible dates – November 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 19 or 20
- Purpose: Develop RVV’s ‘Acropolis’ or strategic intent: (Aspiration, Growth Drivers, Enablers)
- Key Stakeholders, Vision, Values, Major Organization Milestone and Core purpose.
- Outline Cornerstone initiatives
Working session Two (early December): possible dates – December 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18 or 19
- Purpose: Develop RVV’s Cornerstone initiatives/programs and Organizational concept.
- ID key programs: define goals and timeline.
- Recommend: morning session with original strategic planning attendees + afternoon with broader winery and partner community.
Strategic plan presentation to RVV community: possible dates – January 23, 24, 29 or 30
- The planning committee had discussed turning this event into a full day educational symposium, with the unveiling of the plan at the core + Invited a panel of speakers (possibly charging for the educational sessions)